If you are wondering why it smells fruity

In a recent study researchers in California looked at flavored cannabis and tobacco products.  They used an in-person, school-based survey that was administered to 1,423 grade 9 and 10 students in 8 public high schools in Northern and Central California in 2019–2020 to see if youth-appealing flavors may contribute to underage cannabis use. 

Cannabis (marijuana) is frequently used by US high school students, with almost 36% of 12th-grade students reporting past-year use. Cannabis products, including oil vaporizers, cannabis flower, and blunt wraps, are advertised with flavor, taste, and food descriptors (e.g., “sweet,” “fruit,” “lemon haze”).  Prior to this study little work had been done documenting patterns of flavored cannabis product use, particularly among youth. 

 The research showed flavored product use was common for tobacco and cannabis. Most past 30-day users of moist snuff (68.4%), cigars (80.6%), and e-cigarettes (75.8%) used flavored products, and 43.8% of past 30-day cigarette users reported smoking mint or menthol cigarettes. Among smoked cannabis users, 48.1% reported using a flavored smoked cannabis product, and 58.0% among vaped cannabis users reported using a flavored aerosolized cannabis product 

These results show that a substantial proportion of adolescent cannabis users are choosing flavored cannabis products, including both combustible and aerosolized products. This finding illuminates a potential health concern, as adolescents associate flavors in tobacco products with less perceived harm and have greater interest in experimentation with flavored tobacco compared with unflavored tobacco products. Flavored cannabis might have similar effects. Many US states permit or have decriminalized medical and/or recreational cannabis use, corresponding with rising levels of cannabis use among youth and adults. As the commercial cannabis industry offers an expanding array of products promoted as flavored, potential restrictions on flavored cannabis may prove an important component of limiting youth appeal. 

Judson Bemis